Thank you for requesting
Free Samples of Dura-Film
We have sent your Free Stencils herewith and hope that you enjoy
exploring all the many uses there are for them. You will find that
you can use them with water based Acrylic Paint, Glass etching cream
and even with our Etch-O-Matic for etching on metal such as
wrenches, metal parts, or anything metal and all in just seconds!
You will find complete details and dozens of ideas on our websites
which are listed below. You may want to check them out as there are
several video clips that can help you.
Thanks again and below are listed several websites that can be of
help, such as giving you the best Glass etching cream or the best
acrylic paint on the market. If you have any questions just giv3e us
a call at 800-775-0797 and we will be happy to work with you.
For ideas with various uses of stencils check out:
For info on Glass Etching check out:
For complete metal etching of tools, knives, equipment or parts
P.S. If you would like a special stencil made up just for you then
please contact us by email with your copy. Or you can own your own
Stencil-Maker while they are on Special Today by checking on
Martronics Corporation |